As though he has been blessed by the God Vishnu - Sankranta Cambodia

As though he has been blessed by the God Vishnu

« As though he has been blessed by the God Vishnu, the light reflected from the prince's eyes showered upon those as golden rays of the sun. Those who looked upon him put down their swords and knelt before the God-king. The prince's voice rains down as though it rains sacred water from heaven. They whisper that is our king « After two years of traveling to every part of the kingdom, in 802 AD on the top of Kulen Mountain just north of the modern-day capital, the prince has crowned the first reign monarch of a reunited kingdom. He took the name Jayavarman II (Protector of Victory). He chose the city of Yasodharapura to be the capital city of the kingdom. Khmer people always refer to this moment as the morning has begun. The new sun has risen on the ancient land, and once again, the Naga has returned.