The reason why Thai art, words, culture, like Cambodia - Sankranta Cambodia

The reason why Thai art, words, culture, like Cambodia

The reason why Thai art, words, culture, like Cambodia. 1. Territory. Prior to the arrival of the Thais, much of Thailand was Khmer-Mon-speaking territory. According to literary and archeological evidence, in pre-Angkorian times, central Thailand, the northeast and the east were already ruled by the Khmer. 2. Dynasty. After the death of Jayavarman VII, royal conflicts arose. Probably the dynasty of the son of Jayavarman VII left Lopburi to establish the kingdom of Ayutthaya. According to the inscriptions, from the 13th to the 16th centuries, the kings of Ayutthaya spoke and wrote Khmer. King Narai (1656-1688) also told the French ambassador that he was a Khmer dynasty. 3. War. After the death of Jayavarman VII, other documents are unknown. History is written in chronicles, some as fairy tales, some as true. The war between Ayutthaya and Cambodia was called the war between two groups of Cambodians. Until the Sukhothai dynasty reigned in Ayutthaya, war between the Khmer and Ayutthaya erupted, with Ayutthaya defeating the Khmer capital in 1593. When Ayutthaya won, all the dancers and scholars from Cambodia were brought to Ayutthaya. During the reign of Ang Eng, Cambodia lost the sovereignty of its western provinces. The wise dancers are lost again. During the reign of Ang Eng to Ang Duong, Khmer tales, dancers, musicians, music and Khmer culture were lost. 4. People. In the east and northeast of Thailand are areas inhabited by Khmer. The people in these areas bring music, music, tradition, art, etc.